Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Philadelphia flower show 2011

Just gave a big presentation on the upcoming flower show, including Temple's design layout and the plant material being used. The audience sure did love when i showed a photo of my Amorphophallus konjac specimen, which won me a "Best in Show" rosette in 2009,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pumpkin's progress: pre weigh off Oct-7-2010

October 30, 2010

The World of Giant Pumpkins

Are you amazed by the size of the giant pumpkins you see on display at this time of year? On this week's You Bet Your Garden, host Mike McGrath will talk to a college student who just raised a pair of humongous Halloween honeys. Plus your fabulous phone calls.

NBC 10 interview

ABC interview giant pumpkin.wmv

My Giant pumpkins in the news

This season i decided to grow giant pumpkins. Thanks to Meadowbrook farm for allowing me space to grow these giant plants turned out to be a great success. Heres proof to that!

Aired on 6ABC & NBC10


Hi welcome to my Blog, I'm Brandon Huber grower and collector of many plants and a big enthusiast in the field of Horticulture.